Return to in-person instruction plan during the COVID-19 pandemic - 2021-22 School Year



We have established this plan in cooperation with Ste Jane de Chantal School to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on students attending in-person programs and staff of My French Classes as well as the larger community of Ste Jane de Chantal School. Our priority is the safety and health of all the children and all the staff of our organization and Ste Jane de Chantal School. We will adhere to all guidelines set forth by the State of Maryland and Montgomery County Health Department and CDC to provide a safe environment that minimizes the risk of COVID-19.

This document will be updated as required. My French Classes administration will share the updated document on our Parents intranet and distribute the updated version to parents via the school weekly email system.


Community Agreement

All families whose children attend in-person programs during the school year 2021-22 must sign a copy of the My French Classes COVID-19 Agreement and agree to partner with My French Classes and Ste Jane de Chantal School to keep all students and staff safe and healthy. Parents must agree to keep children home when they are not feeling well, have COVID-like symptoms, or have potentially been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 infection.

Preparation for Illnesses

People with COVID-19 have had a wide-range of symptoms reported - ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 - 14 days after exposure to the virus.

People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

• Fever and/or chills.
• Cough.
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
• Fatigue.
• Muscle or body aches.
• Headache.
• New loss of taste or smell.
• Sore throat.
• Congestion or runny nose.
• Nausea or vomiting.
• Diarrhea.

This list does not include all possible symptoms.

Health Questionnaire

Families will complete a weekly health questionnaire. Results will be recorded and sent to school administrators.

• Temperature check using a non-contact thermometer

• Complete a health questionnaire including a series of questions:
○ Did you take your temperature today? What was your temperature?
○ Have you been near someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
○ Do you have a cough, shortness of breath, or a sore throat?
○ Have you had a fever (temperature greater than 100.4 F) in the last 48 hours
○ Have you recently lost your sense of taste or smell?
○ Do you have any health/wellness questions/concerns?
○ Do you have any reason to believe you or anyone in your household has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19?

Social Distancing

Social distancing is an effective way to prevent potential infection. All My French Classes teachers, staff, and students must practice the CDC’s recommended distance from one another and eliminate contact with others.

In order to comply with CDC Social Distance Guidelines My French Classes will:

• Assure that a limited number of students will be clustered in one room.
• Encourage social distancing between individuals.
• Create a pattern for traffic flow in the building and practice with students how to move, when permitted, in the building.
• Group the same children and staff together.
• Assign each student an area in the classroom where he/she will complete work.
• Ask and remind students not to share any supplies, toys, etc.
• Not permit students to eat snacks indoors.
• Not allow non-essential visitors indoors.
• Not allow mixing between groups during the classes.
• Not permit large group gatherings and activities that require children to sit or stand in close proximity.
• Cancel activities such as field trips, special performances and assemblies, and school-wide in-person parent meetings.
• Monitor bathroom usage to ensure that bathrooms are cleaned according to CDC guidelines.
• Reduce congestion in the administrator office and other typically crowded indoor areas.
• Review regularly with staff and students best practices for social distancing.

Face Coverings

Wearing coverings may help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and is therefore required for all My French Classes teachers, staff, students, and essential visitors.

Even when cloth face coverings are worn, all My French Classes teachers, staff and students must continue practicing proper physical distancing.

Required Supplies

Parents are asked to send the following items, in addition to traditional school supplies, to My French Classes each Saturday with their child:

• Two (2) face masks.
• A filled water bottle
• One (1) bottle of hand sanitizer

Protocols for Identified Illness

• Sick staff members or students are not to return to My French Classes programs until they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation.
• If a student or staff member has been in close proximity to a person who is positive for COVID-19, the student or staff member should not come to My French Classes until evaluated by a healthcare provider or have completed their quarantine period without becoming symptomatic or diagnosed with COVID-19.
• If any student or staff member has been in close contact with a person who is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, the student or staff member should not enter the building of Ste Jane de Chantal School until the close contact tests negative. If the close contact tests positive, then the student or staff member should seek guidance from their healthcare provider and not return to My French Classes until cleared by that provider. A written note from the healthcare provider must accompany the student or staff member upon his/her return to My French Classes.
• Staff and children with temperatures at or above 100.4 and/or exhibit one or more symptoms of COVID-19, will be immediately isolated to a designated area in the building of Ste Jane de Chantal School until they can be transported from the school safely by a relative/emergency contact.

In the event that a student or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19, My French Classes will:

• Notify the Montgomery County Health Department and Ste Jane de Chantal School.
• In consultation with the Montgomery County Health Department, notify staff and families regarding the positive test result and the procedures that will be followed.

Essential Visitors

No non-essential visitors will be allowed to enter Ste Jane de Chantal School.

Communication Plan for Campus Closure

Immediately following notification of a decision to close the school campus at Ste Jane de Chantal School, My French Classes administrators will notify staff and parents of such closure by email. During any period for which the campus must remain closed, all students will attend classes virtually using appropriate digital platforms.

Frequent Cleaning and Disinfection

•The School will clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched.

• When possible, students will have individual materials and will not share. This includes: notebooks, pens and pencils, crayons, markers, and paints

• Each group will be assigned to a particular bathroom and have a bathroom schedule in order to clean and disinfect bathrooms after each group has finished.


Snack Protocols

Snack will only be permitted for preschool and Kindergarten level students. Snacks will be eaten exclusively outside.

Recess Protocols

Student groups will not mix with other groups while playing in their designated play spaces according to a rotating schedule.

Arrival of Students

Students and staff will arrive through assigned entry points at Ste Jane de Chantal School and will be temperature-checked upon arrival. Parents will not be permitted to bring students into the building of Ste Jane de Chantal School upon arrival or any other time during the classes.

• Anyone dropping children at a school entry point must wear a face mask.
• Staff and students entering the building must have a face mask.

Dismissal of Students

Students and staff will exit through assigned exit doors at Ste Jane de Chantal School .

• Pick up times will be managed to prevent crowding and follow guidelines regarding mandated six-feet social distancing.
• Anyone picking up children at the exit door must wear a face mask.

Communal Areas

Students will be assigned to use a particular bathroom.

Distance Learning

In the event of an unexpected school closure, all instruction will be transferred to distance learning.

Please list first and last name(s) of children that you enrolled at My French Classes, separated by commas.
Please sign in using your legal name.

© 2013-2024 My French Classes Saturday Program, Bethesda, Md.
My French Classes ® is a registered trademark.